New Moon Ceremony of Gratitude.

5:30PM on evening of new moon each month.
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Our survival instincts make us prone to think more about bad things that happen to us and how to prepare ourselves for such events.  In reality, many more good things happen to us. We don’t think about them that much.  It is a  powerful experience to take an break from the stressors and honor, with gratitude,  the good and beautiful in our lives.  We can come to see much more clearly, things as they really are.

Ceremony of Gratitude
  1. Ten minutes of silent meditation.

    First spring Flowers on Forest Floor

  2. Chant : Torei Enji’s Bodhisattva Vow
    • All adults and parents accompanying  older children  arrive at 5:30PM
    • Parents accompanying younger children who may not be able to manage ten minutes of silent meditation arrive at 5:45PM.
  3. Everyone who wishes may tell what is making him/her happy right now and note with gratitude all the beings, things, and events that contribute to this happiness.
  4. Evening Tea Ceremony
  5. Two short chants: Kanzeon and Four Bodhisatva Vows.
  6. Formal Zazen resumes after the ceremony until 7PM for
    those who wish to stay.

First Flowering Trees in Forest

About a New Moon
A new moon is when the dark side of the moon is facing the earth.  It often rises and sets with the sun. Since the moon and sun and earth are directly lined up, the moon and sun have the strongest gravitational pull, causing the highest and lowest tides called spring tides.
Common folklore has it that the full moon and new moon bring about changes in mood and behavior of humans and animals, but there has been no actual scientific evidence of this as yet.