Metta: Comprehensive Form

May I be relaxed and happy.
May I be free from anger and delusion.
May I be free from envy, jealousy, and  greed.
May I  know that in this moment I have everything I need to be happy.

May I  feel safe.
May I be grateful for the labor of countless beings who enhance my life.
May I be increasingly generous, offering whatever I can, and whenever I can, wherever it is needed.

May I be filled with loving kindness toward myself and toward all life.
May I be free of misunderstandings, misperceptions, and assumptions.
.May I be free from feelings of inadequacy.
May I be free from self-recriminations and judgments.
May I live in harmony with myself.
May I live in harmony with with all life.

May I embrace the pure energy of all the emotions from which I intend to be free.
May the embrace allow those emotions to dissolve and set me free.
May everything that comes to me in this life be transformed into a gift.

May I be at ease even in difficult situations .
May I be free from fear and anxiety.
May I be free from depression and sadness.
May I  know profoundly and deeply that I am perfect, whole and complete. lacking nothing.
May  my mind be crystal clear and unbiased.

May I be healthy.
May I be free from pain and suffering.
May I be harmonious with every joy and every sorrow.
May I  accept every event that arises with equanimity.
May I  find delight in simplicity.
May I  have warm feelings of well-being.

May I be filled with peace, a peace that spreads beyond myself.
May I realize my true nature.
May I live free and offer whatever I can to relieve suffering.
May I realize the ever present abundance of the Mind of compassion and wisdom.
May I recognize the true nature of all.
May I have deep gratitude for the loving and compassionate nature of all beings.

May the moments of joy in my life, be fully savored.
May I let the joy go when it begins to move on.  
May I see that moving on is in appearance only, that joy is always there underneath it all.
May I realize the perfect beauty, harmony and rhythm that pervades all space and time.