Metta: Medium Form

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May I  be safe, free from danger, free from harm.
May I be free from illness and suffering.
May I have feelings of well-being.
May everything that arises help me to develop peace, joy, and equanimity.

May I be relaxed and happy.
May I be filled with loving kindness towards myself and towards all others.
May I be generous offering whatever I can, whenever I can, wherever it is needed.

May I be free from anger.
May I be understanding and sympathetic.
May I be grateful for the labor of countless beings who enhance all life.
May I be filled with Joy.

May I be free from fear and anxiety.
May I be free from confusion, misunderstanding, misperception.
May I be free from depression and sadness.
May I know that I am perfect, whole and complete, lacking nothing,

May I be free of manifestations of greed, envy, and delusion.
May I be grateful that in this moment, I have everything I need to be happy.
May I live in harmony with all life.
May I be at ease.

May I be filled with deep and profound peace.
May I deeply experience the beauty that is in, around, and through me and all that exists.